
Friday, August 23, 2019

the cats victory 🐈

                               the cats victory

One day there was a cat named trouble. She was very shy she went into a dumpster alley. But then KABOOM a huge portal came out of nowhere Rumble Rumble shake shake zoom she got slurped into the  portal.  "MEOW" 'where am I" she said she was in the alley but it was dark and there were black splats of paint every were red eyes on every face but the worst thing was... dogs they were every were police had them dairy peps had them and bananas OK maybe that last one is a lie but the cats poor poor cats no water no home an an NO FOOD those people they pay no respect to us so I searched for a cat army to destroy every one ha ha ha so first I went to the shop I didn't read the sign because I'm a CAT but it it said PET SHOP ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I said very LOUD! but it more sounded like meow MEOW! I saw a very fat cat "meow meow I'm a fat cat meow meow I'm a fat cat" he said over and over again but at one point I shoved a carrot up his nose and slapped him across the face   and toke him to the ally but... dogs came you no what I HATE DOGS they are the enemy of CATS I hate dogs I hate DOGS well they toke fat cat but he didn't move he was so heavy they couldn't move him off the floor so we ran but they chased some other cats so I left with (interruption) "I'm a fat cat" sigh yes your a fat cat now SHUT-UP then we went to the the CAT FOREST the nest of cats "meow meow la la meow meow la la la LA!" HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs!
ya they are not friendly but "LA LA LA" the god of the cats MOON STAR the only winged cat in the hole inter world she didn't want to come but she eventuality said yes because of my wining (REWIND) PLEASES I TELL YOU  I'M POOR AND I'M LONELY PLEASES!!! OK NOW SHUT-UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YA OK that was weird so ya we were going to kill every one 😈 first we got in discuses fat cat is THE DOG moon star is THE DOG and trouble is THE DOG so song time: first the killed EVERYONE THE END

what would you do if you got killed by cats?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

😮SURVIVAL STORY what would you do?

you are visiting your cousin. your cousin lives in new York in the mountains  it is getting late and it is ONE FOOT (30 cm) OF SNOW around. you decide to go hiking in the mountains your cousin knows the area well and leads the way into a area of the mountains she is gone you no that your cousin likes playing jokes so you stay it is getting later and you cant see her you have a pack and dry fruit and water it will get dark before you can retrace your steps what do you do?

1: I would use my jacket                                                                                                                            blanket.
2: make a cave out of snow
and find big logs from under the snow find two rocks
and rub them on the ground to make a fire to cook food.

3:find a stick from one of the edges of the mountains sharpen it
on the ground go look for some bear to cook.

4: and when you find a bear and
slide it on a sharp stick and cook it then
 use the bear skin as a coat and go find your friend.

                                    what would you do?


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Orana park trip!

have you ever been to orana park

Monday, August 12, 2019

Friday, August 9, 2019

I love my teachers ❤️

I love my teachers because they take care of us teach us be kind to us do fun stuff with us and they help us when we need them we love our teachers.
do you love your teachers?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Rain cloud observations☁️

Rain cloud observations☁️
Making a cloud

We put some water in about ¾ then we put shaving cream on
top and let it set for a little bit then we put drops of yellow and
red food colouring on the shaving cream it didn’t do anything
but when we put lots of drops in… IT DRIZZLED! Everywhere
in the cup red and yellow and red everywhere in the cup we
had done it yay! so I learned that the sun warms up the
water and the water vapour go's into the cloud and the wind
moves and when it gets to full it rains that is what I learnd from
this water cycle 🠟↓↓↓


sahara desert facts😲

1: There are various plants that grow in the Sahara Desert. 

2: Vegetation that grow in the Sahara must be able to adapt to unreliable precipitation and        excessive heat.

3: To survive they have made modification leaves into spines to prevent excessive loss of           water from the plant body and deep roots to get to water source.

4: Plants are more concentrated in oases and along river beds.

5: African Peyote Cactus thrives in the desert environment.

6: Its thick stems retain water for long periods of time.                                                                                    

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

facts about Waipoua forest 🌴🌷🌴😲

1: Kauri is part of New Zealand’s heritage. But, kauri dieback is threatening their        extinction.
2:This forest is the home of Tane Mahuta, the country's largest kauri tree, which        is approximately 2,000 years old and still growing.
3: Of all New Zealand’s kauri forests, none is more famous than Waipoua Forest        on the west coast, 
4: Waipoua is an ancient green world of towering trees and rare birds.  

5: highway through the forest is memorable for the natural gateways created by        huge kauri trees and the fringing of colourful ferns along the road's edge.
6:Father of the Forest'  which is estimated to be between 2,500 and 3,000 years       old.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


On Tuesday the 6th we had to build a tower out of 9 cups a handful of blocks and 20 sticks this is what we made


Friday, August 2, 2019


If we didn't have sand dunes there would be storms flooding every were. Sand dunes are important to us also native plants they protect the sand dunes. The plants help if the sand is blowing away. If the  sand  blows at the sand dunes it will hurt them and we don't want that. If we didn't have sand dunes
 it would be very hard on us. Sand dunes protect us from flooding or having a storm. Sand dunes help us a lot.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

monday mash up diary

fantastic animals🐅🐒🐦

1: Bats or pekapeka are particularly special in New Zealand as they are the only native      land mammal 
2: Hectors dolphins are the worlds smallest dolphin species. They are named after Sir      James Hector 
3 :Tuataras are the only surviving reptile species from the dinosaur era which gives        
     them the nickname the living dinosaur
4: The morepork or ruru is New Zealand’s only remaining native owl. The owl species            is also found in Tasmania.
5:The Hookers sea lion is One of the most endangered sea lion species in the world